Friday, May 23, 2008

Still not sure about this

But I'll keep trying. I guess it sort of like a diary...only public? I was never good at keeping the private kind so I'm not sure I will be very good at this. Oh well, it's worth a shot. Drew and Brooke are getting ever so much more smiley and interactive. It is so fun to see and crazy to think that they are already 3 months old. I still remember the contractions! I would be okay I think with at least one more baby-but Mike tells me that I'll have to find a different husband! I am so thankful for the beautiful family we do have-and looking at our babies growing so quickly makes me want more. Liam will be turning 4 this summer! That is crazy talk to me. I can't even comprehend that fact. Mike and Kari both tell me to just enjoy the fact that my little lovebugmunchkin is growing and becoming a little man but I just hate it. He really is becoming this person that really has a mind of his own (he's been doing that for a while, but it's being communicated now very verbally) and it is so fascinating to have these real conversations with him and watch his brain and imagination process things and then come back with amazing questions and comments. I was getting him dressed the other day and realized this was 2008...he was born in 2004 which means theoretically he could be starting kindergarten next (meaning 2009) fall! I don't think I can handle that. I never want him to grow up and have to handle people being mean to him or classmates laughing at him or whatever-you know, all the things that everyone has to go through? I feel like crying when I think of someone being mean to him for whatever reason. I hope that we are doing our job right and giving him the tools to be a good person and to be able to handle new situations that come up. No more for now.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Never done this before but...

Well, first day blogging...never done it before but am excited to keep some kind of a record of what is happening in our lives.